Thursday, April 19, 2018

Rabbit in the Bush

Rabbit in the Bush

Look who was camouflaged underneath last year’s hibiscus bush. The rabbit blended in so well I had trouble seeing it at first. Its coat picked up the gray of the broken branches, the brown of the fallen leaves and the white of the small stones scattered throughout the patch.

This must have been a teenage rabbit, smaller than an adult but not newborn. A baby bunny pranced nearby but was chased away across the yard by this rabbit who then returned to its comfy resting place.

The little one will learn the tricks of survival before long, I’m sure. It will learn how to become part of the landscape so that it can peacefully munch on the grasses. It will discover its place in the world and how to be who it is among the variables. It already knew how to zip along, turning quickly to disorient its pursuer.

Seeing the rabbits made me think of how we all adapt to our environments. We learn to accept some things we are given and change others. We can shift our perspective to create a safer space and blend in when necessary. We, and the rabbits, are fast learners. It helps us to live and to thrive.

Cottontails and camouflage:
Wild rabbits:


  1. How is this for learning survival? The rabbits who visit our garden are happy to munch on my flowers, which of course, makes me very unhappy. So I use garlic pellets and a very smelly spray that keeps them away. Instead, they eat our grass, pulling up the blades one by one. That's fine with us and we are all happy now.

  2. Ferida--Love your blog., as always! We have adorable rabbits in our yard too! Barbara
