Thursday, September 29, 2022

Dandelion Landing


Dandelion Landing

It was a pleasant afternoon, sunny but not too hot. Just right for being out back on the patio reading a book. But then something took my attention away from what I was reading, a puffy seed flipping over my legs. I reached out for it but it slipped off my palm and hurried off. Then I noticed other seeds frolicking over the lawn, all determined to be on their way.

I scooped one up as it was flying over me and brought it inside where I could examine it more closely. How delicate it was and yet I knew it wasn’t fragile. It was a dandelion seed that would plant itself with the others and they would overtake the lawn if allowed to land.  

I heard of someone who was considering planting dandelion seeds instead of grass. No doubt it would be lovely to look out but not consistent with what is considered a proper lawn. Maybe it will start a fad and change our perspective about lawns. After all, there are many positives to dandelions, including vitamins.

Check this out:

1 comment:

  1. I lover my dandelions as they give me a sea of yellow in my backyard early in the season. Besides, a "Weed is a Seed'
