Monday, June 5, 2017

Adaptable Geese

Adaptable Geese

It was a rainy day. We were just coming home from a round of errands, wondering what the rest of the day would bring, when we saw a family of geese strolling across the wet street. The goose (female), gander (male) and goslings (babies) were completely at ease in the middle of the road. Fortunately, it was a side road and not too busy. We turned to the right, another car edged toward the left, and the goose family slowly, slowly moved toward the curb.

Geese are no strangers to this area. We see lots of them flying in vee formation on their way south. Sometimes they land by a pond or a grass field for a rest. But more of them seem to be making their homes locally now. There are plenty of lakes and streams around to keep them happy and the temperatures generally are not too frigid. But this is new for the Canadian geese that traditionally have flown further south.

Times and temperatures change. The geese, which were recently endangered, are now flourishing thanks to wildlife agencies. And many have made their peace with new environments. They are adaptable.

It’s something we can think about. When nature changes, it’s not only the geese that must adapt. Temperatures are rising. The ocean is heating up and heading inland, threatening some shore communities and islands. Some areas are becoming parched and fires are more common and difficult to control. Extreme weather patterns are cropping up.  

Can we change our habits to help minimize the effect of global climate change? Can we recognize the importance of our behavior on nature? Will we need to be as adaptable as Canadian geese?

Why do some geese stay?

Extreme weather changes:

Observing mild weather: