Monday, August 4, 2014

Coneflower/Echinacea – Nature’s Balance

Coneflower/Echinacea – Nature’s Balance

The purple coneflower seems to be everywhere this season, gracing gardens and fences, walkways and flowerpots. It adds lovely color wherever it grows and as a bonus, it is a native American plant.

But there is more to this plant than its pretty looks. It is also known as Echinacea purpura and has a long history of medicinal use. Like most things, though, Echinacea has its positive and negative sides. It can help with many things but can be problematic at other times. It has a general anti-inflammatory effect in the body, which helps boost a person’s natural immune system. On the other hand, it can cause reactions in people who are allergic to ragweed, daisies, marigolds and similar plants. It can kill germs and dry up mucous but it is strongly heating so it is not recommended for fever or night sweats.

It’s interesting how nature has a balance in everything. Careful attention helps keep us healthy. We can appreciate the beauty of the cornflower and not necessarily ingest it. Sometimes that works for our emotional health, as well, appreciating and observing to find out what supports us; a balance of beauty and practicality is nature’s way.

Some medical info about Echinacea:


  1. Beautiful flower; I was planning on putting some in this year, now I definitely will.

    1. I was surprised to see how popular the plant is. It spreads so plant it in a place where it has room to expand.
