Monday, August 5, 2019

Swans and Duck Together

Swans and Duck Together

We recently discovered  a lake off the main road at a Jersey shore town. Geese were relaxing under the shade of the few trees on the edge of the lake while swans were enjoying a respite from the hot weather as they swam around on the cool water.  

Then a small duck appeared. It was alone, no other ducks were obvious nearby, and seemed to be a young one. It swam toward the flock, its dark feathers a contrast to the white of the swans. I wondered if they would accept the little bird into their group but they didn’t look at all disturbed by its presence. The duck became part of the flock as it moved further out on the lake. It seemed as if the duck was identifying with the swans. So different and yet it belonged. They all seemed comfortable together.

I thought of the immigrants who come to our country. There are differences, yes, but traditionally we have accepted them. Are we changing our generosity for politics? Have we forgotten that we were all immigrants at one time? Swans and ducks are all birds. Americans and immigrants are all people. If they can accept each other, surely we can do the same.