Summer Squash

On one of our recent trips to the nursery, we were attracted
to the squash seedlings. There are so many squash varieties that it is almost
impossible not to find one that appeals. They tend to be fast growers, good for
those of us who are impatient for home-grown goodness. We put in a couple of
Yellow Straightneck plants and now there are flowers bursting into bloom.
Underneath we can see the beginnings of the veggies. I understand that it is
best to pick them when they are about six-inches, not too large. When the light
yellow turns to darker yellow they are over-mature and the plant slows down its
production so it pays to be ready when the squash is.
Squash is nutritious and delicious. I am already thinking of
recipes – sautéed with chopped scallions, some sliced mushrooms, and a dash of
apple cider vinegar perhaps, or maybe sliced lengthwise, brushed with a little
extra virgin olive oil, sprinkled with fresh basil (I love basil), and baked,
or just plain steamed - all good.
I am enjoying the process, seeing the leaves and flowers
unfold, checking on the daily growth of the veggies; whatever we get to eat is
a bonus. For me this is dabbling in a mini-farming adventure but it has helped
me to appreciate the true farmers of the world.
Extensive info about summer squash:
and do click on the link for Basic Gardening – it will
get you off to a great start!